Welcome to CTN
The Creative Talent Network, CTN is the ideal destination for all storyteller enthusiasts who strive to strengthen their careers in visual storytelling, illustration, filmmaking, and animation. The company was set up to bring together creative talent contributors in the animation community for better learning and greater exposure. We go above and beyond to provide our students with the best possible resources for an easy and hassle-free learning experience. At CTN, we make sure to measure our yearly performance by judging the impact of our decisions on the community as a whole.
We believe the talent deserves better from us. So, we have designed an entirely NEW experience – one that is rich in value and based on a fresh perspective of growth, with new tools and opportunities. We’ve already helped thousands of artists build the kind of skillset and network they need to succeed in the real world. With your help, we hope to continue that trend.
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Whether you need a quick tip or an insight on a particular area, this group opens a world of inspiration with their knowledge. It is a platform where the artists can share their experiences and creative ideas with people interested in filmmaking, animation, or visual storytelling. Take a break now to get connected and invest in “your talent.”
CTN-X is responsible for organizing annual meetings and events for the Creative Talent Network community held in Burbank
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(Animation Hotspot)
We provide a learning platform to the students utilizing the latest tools and technologies.
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CTN-AD is the educational head of the CTN network that offers a variety of learning programs to individuals interested in building their careers in animation and filmmaking. We provide our clients with a lifetime membership at reasonably fair rates. CTN-AD also offers artists cross-training opportunities to create compelling short films, documentaries, interactive videos, and innovative transmedia projects.
We provide scholarships to the artists and encourage them to boost the animation filmmaking community.
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What Can You Expect at CTN?
An exhaustive list of courses and training for filmmaking, visual storytelling, and animation.
Convey Your Message Easily
Any information presented through visuals is more effective and appealing. It catches the eye of the audience and creates an emotion within them. Even the less exciting stories seem to entertain the audience.
With the help of CTN, you can convey your message to the audience much more easily through enhanced visual storytelling techniques. Tools such as visual metaphors tend to make highly complex ideas simple and easy to understand. Creative Talent Network educates artists on the various visual storytelling techniques to make the message versatile and a perfect fit for social media platforms, thus catering to many people at the same time. We provide students with state-of-the-art storytelling tools and help them uncover better opportunities to grow and succeed in the filmmaking industry. This also allows young artists to incorporate new ways to build stories and share them with the audience. Our team is passionate about visual storytelling and its power to bring messages and ideas to life.
Discover the Beauty of Animation
To master the art of filmmaking; you need to equip yourself with the right knowledge and skills. Films target different family groups, teenagers, young couples, or students, and it may seem challenging to entertain all of them. CTN will provide you with professional assistance and help you overcome many industry issues. We will provide you with the right tools and techniques to boost your creative thinking and help to transform your ideas into a great career. Technological innovations have transformed the filmmaking industry to a considerable extent. CTN courses can help you learn about the latest changes and help you build contacts with various industry experts.
Story Matters. Imagination Matters.
Creativity Matters.
Storytelling artists and filmmakers contribute to the future of humanity and the world we live in. We love, laugh, cry and dream together through art, movies, books, and online media at any age. The future of the fabric of our lives and the world’s health depends on the stories we tell today.
Community Inspiration
Motivating Articles and Interviews

Start Building Your Style Today
We tend to get paralyzed by the thought of making a mistake. Your thoughts and fears manifest your creative style. When you learn from your mistakes, they have the power to turn your work into something better than it was before. Today push fear aside and let yourself...

Interview with Denis Zilber
Denis Zilber Artist Spotlight is a place to showcase new artists as well as revisiting talent. Enjoy this interview sharing the stories about their work, career, and process for navigating the winding road that artists must take in order to become a...

Interview with Caroline McFarlane-Watts
Caroline McFarlane Artist Spotlight is a place to showcase new artists as well as revisiting talent. Enjoy this interview sharing the stories about their work, career, and process for navigating the winding road that artists must take in order to become a...