Our Mission
Unite (Networking), Enlighten (Educate), Uplift (Inspire).
CTN strives to unite artists in the animation, filmmaking, and visual storytelling industry from around the globe and create meaningful opportunities to help them live their dreams. We empower young aspiring artists to innovate and expand the filmmaking industry by connecting them with a few renowned artists worldwide. Our goal is to provide the best learning platform to high school graduates, college students, and early career professionals worldwide. We encourage, celebrate, cultivate, and connect artists of all ethnicities, budgets, and geographic locations in visual storytelling, animation, and other media industries. With our simple motto, ”Putting the talent center stage”, Creative Talent Network in a non-corporate environment that has been helping artists for decades.
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Key Values
Fostering Growth and Transformation
At Creative Talent Network, young artists transform artistically and personally through our programs. We are continually pushing ourselves to find new ways to stretch talents, build confidence, and help artists find their unique voices. Our students emerge from their experience standing taller, imbued with a strong sense of purpose and possibility.
Leading to Inspire
The CTN staff is committed to the students they serve and the mission they model. They set a high bar not only for artistic excellence–as many are practicing artists themselves–but also for effective mentorship. They embrace their role in inspiring the next generation of creative changemakers.
Creating Lifelong Connection
As we believe in building long-lasting relationships with our students, we offer top-quality services. We want students to remember their time spent at CTN for the rest of their lives
The Talent We Work With!
The Woman Behind CTN
Meet Tina Price
Tina Price began her career as a professional ballet dancer with the New York City Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, and Chicago Lyric Opera. She transitioned to an animation career by training with Don Bluth on his independent film “Banjo The Woodpile Cat.” Tina worked as a Key Clean-Up Artist with Filmation Studios and entered Walt Disney Feature Animation working with Legendary Animator Andreas Deja on “The Black Cauldron.”
Her curiosity for technology led her with a small team to pioneer 3D computer animation in every Disney film, from “Oliver and Company” to “Fantasia 2000”. Calling themselves the “Late Night Crew,” this hot group of talent created the first processes and techniques that led to the development and implementation of 3D animation and Disney’s proprietary Ink and Paint Computer Animation Production System (CAPS). Working both traditionally and digitally, Tina spent most of her career contributing to every feature animated film at Disney, including the award-winning short film shown at SIGGRAPH “Oilspot and Lipstick,” and became the first woman to be titled “Head of Computer Animation” at Walt Disney.
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Her versatile skill set, insatiable curiosity, and philanthropic spirit led her to devote her life full-time in 2006 to work to find ways of benefiting other artists and she loves animals. Since its inception, CTN has become the international community standard for top talent artists in the animation industry and hosts the award-winning annual trade show event, The CTN animation eXpo.